Kagirohi Shaku Kei – Another 4 - Hentai Videos
Stream Kagirohi Shaku Kei – Another 4 english subbed posted August 22, 2024, Watch and download Kagirohi Shaku Kei – Another 4 hentai anime in high quality at Hentai18tv.

Kagirohi Shaku Kei – Another 4
Kagirohi: Shaku Kei - Anotherかぎろひ~勺景~ Another아지랑이: Shaku Kei - Another
Synopsis: Aoi is drugged, and his body won’t listen to him. Sumire smiles fearlessly as she tells him the truth about the accident that befell his family. She also tells him about the strange festival their village celebrates.
“I told her what I wanted… I wanted you, Aoi-san.”
At the hectic banquet, one of the girls takes furtive actions for her own ambitions. With her madness, the tragedy begins to unfold. This will all be over soon.